Booking tickets online

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For technical reasons, the sale of tickets to the Nikolayevsky Palace on our website is closed.

Capacity of the hall is 350 seats.

Here you can buy tickets for the folklore show online without commission and service fee, paying them with a credit card. Payment by card passes through a secure connection with the protection of your personal data.

Electronic tickets and check come to the e-mail specified in the order form. Do not forget to check the Spam folder if you do not find them after payment. If the tickets or check did not arrive within 5 minutes, please follow the instructions in the Ordering rules.

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Security of online payments is provided by AO «ALFA-BANK». You can always check the electronic cash receipt: on the site "1OFD" or through the application of the Federal Tax Service Russian Federation.

Plan of the hall and photo of the Nikolaevsky Palace

Plan of the hall Nikolaevsky Palace Auditorium Nikolaevsky Palace Auditorium Nikolaevsky Palace

There is a free seating in the hall, all entrance tickets (without numbering places).

Capacity of the hall is 350 seats.