Folklore show Russia in Fairytales


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Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg

The National Folklore Show "Russia in Fairy Tales" in the Youth House gives an opportunity to enjoy high performance skills: at the same time, Russians experience a rush of national pride, and foreign guests admire the mysterious Russian soul. The services we provide are interesting for Russian citizens and foreign tourists alike.

Youth House on Vasilyevsky Island (St.Petersburg, Bolshoy Prospect V.O., Building 65 Litera A)
Start of show:
1 hour 50 min, intermission 30 min
Buffet at intermission:
Not included in the price of the ticket
Entrance, without numbering places.

Price (when buying on the site)

For foreign citizens:
3000 rub.
For citizens of the Russian Federation:
1500 rub.
Children under 4 years free of charge.

Play Bill and Tickets

Tickets without service charge! For guides and excursion groups discounts!

Folklore show Russia in Fairytales in Saint-Petersburg

In the program

A bright, spectacular show in the best traditions of Russian culture - the audience is immersed in the atmosphere of the holiday, an extravaganza of fiery dances. A virtuoso performance, a whirlwind of emotions, colorful costumes, temperament and artistry of the show participants will all leave a bright and unforgettable impression. The audience will not only see the variety of Russian dances, but also reveal the secret of the mysterious Russian soul for themselves. The show consists of 2 offices for 45 minutes with 1 intermission. In the program - Russian folk dances, songs, interactive with the audience. In the interval, each spectator will be offered a buffet table to choose from. Folklore show will be performed by artists State Ensemble of Song and Dance "Barynya" и State Ensemble of Song and Dance "White Nights", which preserve the traditions of Russian folk dance art. Ensembles were applauded by spectators from England, Bulgaria, Germany, Spain, Italy, China, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, USA, Turkey, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Estonia. The folklore show "Russia in Fairy Tales" is a bright, professional collective embodying the traditions of folk dance art, an example of the continuity of generations of a creative dynasty. In the repertoire of the collective dance of Stavropol, Don, Volgograd,Kuban Cossacks, as well as Cossack songs from different regions, lyrical dances Russian North, incendiary dances of Voronezh and Don Cossacks, subtle humor of choreographic miniatures of the Urals and Siberia, and of course delicious tricks.

Buffet at intermission: Paid separately

Warning! Buffets №4, №6, №7vip, can be ordered only in advance or until 14:00 on the day of the event!